Learn How to recover inaccessible data from damaged hard disk in Windows XP.

In Windows operating system, there exists certain system files which are used to boot the system.

These files acccomplish various type of tasks like suggesting which type of operating system to select to boot, partition to access, etc. Nevertheless, this practice fails to occur when these system files are corrupt due to any miscellaneous reason such as virus infections, hard disk damage, abrupt or unplanned system shutdown, etc. Such situations call for reinstalling the Windows system but for that you would need to recover the lost data. That is made easy using a third-party hard disk recovery software that would help you in doing so.

Let us consider a situation in which you start your Windows XP system but it fails to boot properly. It stops showing a black screen and may display either of the following error messages:

STOP: C0000221 unknown hard error
STOP: 0xC0000221 unknown hard error
C:\Winnt\System32\Ntdll.dll (or another specific file or driver)

There could be the following reasons for this situation at the system startup:

The files mentioned in the error messages are either missing or damaged.
You have installed an inappropriate system driver that is incompatible with the system.
You may have installed an Iomega ZIP drive on the same IDE (Integrated Device Electronics) cable as the hard disk drive.


You can perform the following methods to resolve this problem:

Repair the damaged files: You should try to use the Windows XP Setup CD to repair or replace the corrupt system boot files.
Reinstall Windows XP: If the previous method does not work, then you should use the Setup CD to reinstall Windows XP.

These mentioned methods would be able to address the problem. However, as one of the methods suggests to reinstall Windows XP that would result in you losing the precious inaccessible data. In such cases, you would need to recover all such data using a third-party hard disk recovery software. Using sophisticated scanning mechanisms, these data recovery tools ensure that the data is not damaged during the recovery.

Source : http://www.datarecoverymethods.blogspot.com/


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