How Can Your Business Benefit by Using Online Storage Solutions?

A few years ago we could never have imagined the technological advances we have today. We have all of the tools at our fingertips to make our lives better. Technology allows us to acquire knowledge, cure disease, communicate, play, conduct business, and more. Consider working online. There are literally thousands of applications designed to make online work easier. How do you choose? How can you possibly wade through them all to find what is the most essential?

Picture this scenario. You’re at home finalizing a presentation in PowerPoint. It is extremely important and you have spent hours getting it right. You make some significant changes, carefully saving your work to your USB. In the morning, you head in to the office and stride confidently into the conference room, ready to dazzle your boss, and… discover that you didn’t bring the USB with those last critical changes with you to work. This could be very damaging to your career.

Now imagine that you could save this scenario. What if you had access to the data without the USB? What if you could use a few simple steps and have the latest version of your work right now? Technology could have saved this entire situation with a single application.

Online Backup Services:
When I mentioned those thousands of applications designed to make your life easier, I also said it was difficult to choose what is most essential. It is actually quite easy. An online backup service is a way to store information online so that it can be accessed from anywhere at any time. The peace of mind that you will have, knowing your data is safe and secure and always available to you, is priceless.

Features and Benefits:
With an online backup service, any type of file can be saved in the cloud so it may be accessed from anywhere at any time. Images, documents, video files, presentations, audio files, emails, or virtually any kind of file can be stored online for later access. These backup services use encryption with secure SSL connections so that all uploaded files are safe. Data is secured and backed up, often including previous versions of updated files. Files can be backed up on a schedule or manually and can be personalized for bandwidth. After the first backup, files are then only backed up if altered. This saves time and space.

Total Disaster:
Obviously, losing personal data would be heartbreaking. Just for a moment imagine what it would be like for an entire business to lose its data. Let’s take the example of a payroll company. Their data would consist of client information including contact and bank documents, tax files, lists of potential customer leads, employee records, and so much more. If this business’s servers crashed, it could go out of business. The data might be lost forever. Even if the data was retrievable, it could take a very long time to reconstruct the files. However, if this company used an online storage service, it’s likely that their files could be reinstated quickly with little disruption to the business.

Loss of Data:
Maybe you cannot envision a scenario in which your data would be at risk. The crash of multiple servers may not seem to be something you think would happen to you. What about viruses? An infected CD, flash drive, or website can easily do major damage to data. Even if data can be retrieved, will it be the latest versions? Will it be undamaged? Is it worth the gamble?

Money Matters:
The bottom line for everyone is cost. How much would you be willing to pay to protect your files and data? Believe it or not, it is not as costly as you would think. Individuals can find plans for less than $8 USD per month. Business plans begin at around $10 USD per month. Plans vary by provider. Some require separate licensing for each computer in a business; some determine cost by the amount of storage space needed.

Is you Data Safe?
Technology has advanced to the point where much of our online experience, whether personal or business, is in the form of cloud computing. Facebook is a great example of cloud computing. We trust our photos, videos, and posts to the Facebook cloud. In keeping with that, why wouldn’t we want to make sure our valuable data isn’t backed up and secure in a cloud? Silly question, isn’t it?


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